B2B Consultancy

We recognise that just as every body is unique, so is every business.

We work with our clients to understand their individual wellness needs and aspirations and design bespoke solutions designed to fulfil them. Combining a mix of some or all of our Oxygen, Hydroxy and Light therapies, we deliver a vital and complimentary new dimension that underpins a transformative wellness solution.

From performance optimisation to recovery, self-care to prevention our therapy solutions can be used in combination to:

  • Optimise cellular health and repair
  • Optimise performance and fast track recovery
  • Enhance an individuals health and wellbeing (physical and psychological)
  • Actively prevent degenerative disease and slow the impacts of ageing

If you would like to understand more about how we can shape a package around your individual needs and aspirations please get in touch with one of our wellness experts who would be delighted to discuss your needs in more detail.

Enquire today


  • HRH Crown Prince of Johor
    JDT Southern Tigers

    As a result of integrating a combination of Hydroxy and Light therapies in our player performance programs we have been able to fast track their recovery from training sessions and injuries and reduce recuperation time by 25%. Thanks to these unique therapy solutions we have also been able to facilitate player performance optimisation including improvements to their physical strength, mental agility and game preparation.

Discuss your wellness needs with one of our wellness experts

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