Our Story

Personal Experience

The co-founders of Neowell have personally experienced the transformational benefits of the therapies we provide and are committed to enabling our clients to prioritise wellness in their world and improve their quality of life to feel revitalised and energised to thrive.

We recognise that an increasing number of people are committed to improving their health and wellbeing and understand the challenges posed by the time and additional effort it can take.

Prioritising Health

Our three co-founders have all had careers with global organisations including Microsoft, Shell, Unilever, PepsiCo, Cadbury Schweppes and Miele. We have all faced the increasing pressures of these high stress environments and the extensive travel that has been required.

Over the years, we were aware that our health and wellbeing had declined as our time and energy was invested in our careers and family lives. The opportunity for self-care was limited and required increased energy and effort – a significant burden when we felt tired and burnt out.

Each of us has our own story to share about how the wellness therapies Neowell provides have transformed our health and wellbeing and improved our quality of life in ways we didn’t think were possible.

Meet our founders

Our Vision

At Neowell, we are committed to making a difference and passionate that you can also experience these life changing benefits and live your life with renewed energy and vitality.

Our vision is to create global wellness hubs to enable people to access our vital therapies so that they become a part of a wellness lifestyle every day and everywhere.

We believe an experience in one of our therapies is one of the most important steps you can take to change your life and re-discover the real you.

Discuss your wellness needs with one of our wellness experts

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